Years ago i battled a tough depression, i don’t remember much my therapist told me lol but i remember she said “Candyss if you want to heal, you MUST go into nature & eat to live.”
As my consciousness expanded & i grew spiritually my soul remembered that Nature was home. My depression was gone when i found GRATITUDE in just being alive. Nature naturally balances our emotions, thoughts & EGO. I was no longer superior to animals, i was grateful enough to bow at their feet. I was no longer separate from the Earth, i remembered she was my mother & i come from her. With this download of information Nature quickly became my home, my church & my therapist.
Scientist say In 2020 the worlds number one illness will be #DEPRESSION sadly what they don’t tell us is NATURE is a healing chamber. They don’t tell us if we want to feel better, we should 🗣EAT TO LIVE. Vibrant living foods that carry the same frequency of the earth. When you eat meats of dead animals, you also consume the fear,anxiety depression of the animal that was hormonally released before it was killed. You can’t constantly eat death & expect to feel Alive & vibrant.
Society has made sleeping in houses, with artificial lights, on beds that are horrible for our posture, eating foods sprayed with poison, working for paper, & constantly distracted by phones & while we’re full of desires that have nothing to do with healing our soul “NORMAL”. WE’VE FORGOTTEN WHO WE ARE. We’ve forgotten thy we are Divine beings YEARNING to embody love, be at peace & fulfill our souls purpose.
THERE ARE TIPS I USE TO GROUND Myself, heal my emotional WOUNDS & connect with #GOD my #Soul my #Ancestors Through just being in nature!
go outdoors, find a field or park with grass. take your shoes off & stand in the grass, imagining the colorful & vibrant energies of the earth entering my body through my feet.
Use your senses. pay attention to the smells, colors, sounds of nature and become them.
sit down with your legs crossed & imagine your tail bone wrapped around the earth 🌍. Allowing yourself to embrace her love. speak any mantra, the mantra use is “I am earth, i receive the love from my creator, i am Deserving, i am worthy, i am Earth”. & then I’d take many deep breaths...lay on my back in gratitude & in awe of Nature.
BREATHE! study breath work. Life is in each breath we take yet we are doing it wrong, shallow and detrimental to our health. take this time while grounding to practice strong deep deep breathes. Imagine the earth giving you an abundance of love, support, strength and power…then breath it all in, hold that breath for 5 seconds and then release the breath, also release any pain, doubt, worry, anxiety, fear etc and imagine watching those low vibrations leave your body.