When your vibration is low, it becomes easy for you to be triggered or offended by words or actions. When your aura is weak or you are simply not grounded you also become susceptible to absorbing the energies around you. Practice creating an energy that can’t be infiltrated.

-Candyss Love

Here are 6 Tips to cleanse yourself from other people’s unwanted or negative energy . 🌻

1. IDENTIFY THE SOURCE •whose negative energy is it. Be honest is it yours or another persons. If the energy belongs to you, dissect what you feel until you get to the source of why you feel that way. If the source is another person, create distance, identify the emotion & go to step 2

2. GET GROUNDED!! •If possible go out doors. & if you’re really willing take off your shoes & plant your feet into the grass. As humans we tend to forget how much healing power is in GODs perfect earth. Indoor will suffice as well. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the ground. I like to envision the earth beneath me as a vacuum that can soak up all of the negative energy. I envision all of the negative emotion leaving my brain, mouth, heart, stomach & legs right down to my feet into the earth that transmits the negative energy into the sunlight on my face or wind on my skin. Sounds weird lol but trust me these practices work lol •

3. CREATE A PERSONAL MANTRA to help release •I like to say “I’m releasing this energy back to where it belongs, i will only accept high vibrational energy that serves my highest self”

4. SHOWER & SMUDGE (sage) •when you shower envision yourself washing all of the unwanted energy off of you, envision yourself creating the feeling & energy you want to be surrounded by. The sage is a great way to cleanse your space & your aura. This is an ceremonial practice done by the indigenous people. Research how to use the sage PROPERLY. Set your intentions. & do the work!!

5. Remember no one can make us feel ANYTHING we don’t agree too, so the work will always be internal & never external 😊🌻

Candyss Roberson